Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents. |
Hi, my name is Irwin Lightstone. I am a serious photographer
of cacti and succulents and have a large collection of photographs,
primarily macro. . I am attaching several images so that you can see the
quality of my work. Thanks.
Irwin Lightstone
In this page you can see a brief selection of photos from the
http://www.radiantimagesphotography.net/-/radiantimagesphotography .

Consequential Blues
Pilosocereus magnificus
taken in the
very early morning using a Sigma 105mm macro, f8, with multiple images with
differing focal points composited with Helicon software |

Haworthia cooperii
taken during late afternoon, Canon A2 with Sigma 180mm at arproximately f32, Velvia

Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus
Photo taken in my front yard in late afternoon,
Rodenstock 75mm dx2 lens mounted on a bellows unit f5.6. Multiple images
with different focal point composited with Helicon software. Artifacts

Schlumbergera truncata |

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii cv. Hibotan nishichi
Copyright for this gallery photo belongs solely to Irwin
Lightstone. Images may not be copied, downloaded, or used in any way
without the expressed, written permission of the photographer. |

triglochidiatus The Magnification
of Hope
Stigma detail taken in my yard before sunset with a Canon mpe 65mm at
f4.5 at about 3.25x lifesize, muliple images composited with Helicon
software. Artifacts, such as some minor fringing was removed with
photohop. The green stigma was about the size of a small grain of rice |

Amongst Old Friends
This old cactus has a name as stately as its flowers:
Parodia magnifica.
Succesive "identical" images with a different
focal point are composited with the assistence of Helicon software to obtain
greater clarity and sharpness. Polaroid filter used to contol amount of
sheen on the satiny flower petals. Panagor 55mm macro lens at f8, adapter to
Canon Body. Once a year, this plant graces my greenhouse with its
spectacular blooms. |

Mammillaria plumosa
taken in my greenhouse with a Sigma 105mm at f8, multiple
images composited using Helicon software |

Echinocereus rigidissimus
Spine detail

Escobaria vivipara |

Mammillaria (Mamilopsis) senilis.
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Photo &
by Irwin Lightstone