Populations within a species that show recognizable,
differences but are capable of interbreeding freely are called
subspecies, races, or
varieties. A species usually contain a
constant numbers of
chromosomes and
species with different number may have difficulty
The abbreviation sp. following a genus name indicate a plant
which is still
undescribed (A formerly discovered and
known biological
taxon without any valid
description yet).
Trichocaulon sp.
How to write specific Epithet:
1. The specific epithet is written second after the
genus name.
2. The specific epithet is always underlined or italicized.
3. The first letter of the specific epithet name is never capitalized.
Example: myriostigma
or myriostigma
See the list of:
Glossary of cactus and
succulent SPECIES epithets (comprising subspecies, variety and forms)
Glossary of cactus and
succulent GENUS names |