taproot or conical root is the main tapering often bulky
root of a
plant growing vertically downward
from the stem. |
It forms a single, dominant, axis that penetrates the earth directly
downward to a considerable depth without dividing and from which other
lateral fibrous roots sprout.
Many taproots are modified to become food
or water
storage organs, or are very
long for reaching water deep in the ground. (For example, in the carrot)
Typical taproots
• conical root : another word for taproot.
• fusiform root :
tapers at the top and at the bottom, e.g. the taproot of a white radish.
• napiform root : is
broader than it is long, e.g. the root of a turnip. |
Tap root
[ Botany ] |
generally conform to one of two root
systems, a taproot system or a
fibrous root system.
A taproot system derives directly from the first root that emerge
from a seed (the
radicle or
primary root) that enlarges
and forms a prominent central root that is called the taproot.
The taproot is larger in diameter than the
lateral roots.
Lateral roots branch off from the taproot, and subsequent lateral
roots can branch off other lateral roots. Taproots generally grow more
deeply into the soil than do fibrous roots. It often become a modified
storage organ for food reserves such as
carbohydrate or for reaching
water deep in the ground.
A taproot system, generally found in
Dicotyledons and
Most trees begin life with a taproot,
but after one to a few years change to a wide-spreading fibrous root
system with mainly horizontal surface roots and only a few vertical,
deep anchoring roots. A
typical mature tree 30-50 m tall has a root system that extends
horizontally in all directions as far as the tree is tall or more, but
well over 95% of the roots are in the top 50 cm depth of soil.
Compare whit fibrous root system |