The white contrasting "throat circle" in a flower of
Lobivia backebergii |
The throat circle or annulus colour often
differs from and contrasts to the portion of the distal throat
below it and to the colour of the flower petals situated
adjacent to the circle. The throat-circle apparently serves as
an attractant for day-flying
to an opened flower and/or to orient a pollinator, already on a
blossom, to the throat itself. The throat-circle is often set
upon a slight bulge of the throat wall that circles the tip of
the distal throat division.
The annulus is variably developed in Echinopsis, s.l., but is
most prominent in lobivias. It apparently functions to make the
throat-circle more evident to a pollinator. In some cases,
though, an annulus is greatly reduced or apparently
In some species (e.g. Lobivia jajoiana ) the throat-circle, is
covered by a thin, stiff, transparent layer which is highly
reflective. An insect looking down at a flower would see a
gorgeous, iridescent terminals that flashed on and off as the
flower fluttered in the breezes. This apparently is a great
signal to attract pollinators. |