Tuberous roots of
Epithelantha pachyrhiza |
During the
growing season, they put out
roots to take up moisture and
nutrients. Typically
grow in a cluster,
with the swollen tuberous portions radiating out from a central
point. The growth buds are on the stem or at the stem
base rather
than on the roots themselves like in
corms or
tubers. In
producing annual, deciduous
shoots new growth
buds, or “eyes” form at
the base of the stem where it meets the tuberous root. This area is
called the crown. Tuberous roots are true root tissue, unlike
tubers, rhizomes, and corms which are stem tissue, and
bulbs which
are leaf tissue. A tuberose root is not a
taproot or
caudex. Tuberous root
system allows the plant to survive catastrophes which may kill the above
ground parts. |