Crassula “Springtime”
Lovely clusters of starry, light pink flowers appear in winter
and contrast nicely with the small, dense, mounded silver foliage, it is
very showy and one of the best Crassulas for pink flowers, a beauty!!! |
Description: Slow growing pretty hybrid up to
15 cm tall, good as ground cover or in hanging basket.
Stem: Stiff, but the plant will fall down due to the weight.
Leaves: Light greyish-green to dark green appearing a nice bright
green overall, opposite, thick, elliptic no larger than a thumb nail.
The keel or bottom of the leaf is rough at the tip, which is pointed.
Flowers: Forms dense clusters (up to 5cm wide) of scented, starry
pale pink flowers with red center with a bright pink overall, that that
contrast nicely with the small, dense, mounded silver foliage
Blooming season: The primary flowering time is winter to early
spring. However, this hybrid flowers, though less profusely, much of the
year, or at least throughout much of winter, all spring, and most of the
summer. Plants will flower at a small size and should flower each year.
Cultivation: Of easy cultivation, they are great plant for pots
or landscaping, young plants will quadruple in size in one year only.
Requires a free draining compost and good light (full sun to light
shade) to keep the plants compact and encourage leaf colour and
flowering, is best to avoid to expose our plant to direct sun in summer.
Morning sun only .Needs regular water in the growing season,
but reduce watering during winter month , fairly drought tolerant
elsewhere. It will start to show buds at the end of each stem early in
the year but does not need watering until Easter time.
After growing for several years
tend to
become untidy, should be cut very short or restarted from cuttings.
(best restarting it every other year).
Seldom has any diseases only the mealy bugs like it, and tend to attack
around the primary flowering time (winter to early spring), hardy to -1°
Propagation: Can be started by a leaf or take a cutting just
below the leaf nodes don't water until you can feel that it is rooted
down, by giving the plant a little tug.