
Gymnocalycium quehelianum
forma variegata.
This species has nearly armless spines
flattened against body ,
Gymnocalycium quehlianum is a compact, slow growing plant with
attractive spination.
Stem: Up to 7cm wide usually solitary, it appear to be the one of
flattest gymnocalyciums, barely rising above the level of the soil. A
remarkable characteristic of this species is the colour of the body,
which goes from reddish to dark bluish green.
Flowers: Up to 6 cm long. The initial brown background colour of
the buds fades to pale pink or white as they open. Flowers have a
reddish-coloured throat.
Blooming season: They will bloom at an early age and bloom often
during the growing season. The plant
puts on quite a show since the flowers last a week and open in
The variegated form has multicoloured stems (yellow, pink, pale green)

Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific Name:
Gymnocalycium quehlianum (F.
Haage jr. ex Quehl 1899) Vaupel ex Hosseus, 1926
(Often misspelled G. quelianum) |
Common Names include: Rose Plaid Cactus
Distribution: Argentina (Córdoba)
- Echinocactus
quehlianus F.Haage ex Quehl, 1899
- Echinocactus platensis var. quehliana

Cultivation: Easy to grow and free flowering,
this plants offers no cultivation difficulties. Summer grower needs
moderate to copious waterings in summer.
Quite frost resistant if kept dry
in winter -4° C.
with a high potassium fertilizer in summer.
Sun Exposure:
Full sun to light shade.The perfect cacti for windowsills and
limited spaces. They are small and compact.
Propagation: Seeds the variegated form can be only grown grafted
on green stock.