(1) Crown
[ Botany ] |
Dictionary of botanic
terminology - index of names |
(2) Crown
[ Botany ] |
Dictionary of botanic
terminology - index of names |
(3) Crown
[ Botany ] |
(4) Crown
[ Botany ] |
(5) Crown
or corona
[ Botany ] |
A corona (also called crown) is the prominent,
crown-shaped, funnel-shaped, or trumpet-shaped outgrowth or appendage of
the perianth of certain
flowers, such as the
daffodil or narcissi. |
(6) Crown
Asclepiadaceae flower) [
Botany ]
Synonym: Corona |
The typical whorl of
structures between the corolla and stamens in Asclepiadaceae family. |

The colourful corona of
Stapelia flavopurpurea.
Inner corona (Yellow with purple tip) and
Outer corona (Pink with horned appendages) |
The corona (Crown) is a
characteristic androecial derived structure found in
Asclepiadaceae flowers of variable form, which is incorporated
in the gynostegium (a complex fusion-product of androecium and
gynoecium). The corona typically consists of inner and
outer lobes.
- Inner corona: Usually the inner corona inclined
against the staminal column (a structure formed by the fusion
of the stamens.
- Outer corona: Outer corona lobes lie flat in the
base of corolla or they are budged away from the column. They
can be larger than the inner one or so reduced that they can’t
even be found.
The unique and complex structures of corona and gynostegium
are very elaborated and dissimilar in various genera and they
are the most important factor for Asclepiadaceae classification.
(7) Crown
[ Botany and
Horticulture ] |
(8) Crown rot
Phytopathology ] |