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Dry fruit    [ Botany ]

Dictionary of botanic terminology - index of names

  A fruit with a dry pericarp at maturity.  

Dry fruits are divided into those whose hard or papery seedpod split open to release the mature seed (called Dehiscent), and those that do not split (indehiscent fruits). Knowing the type of fruit a plant has help to identify it.

DRY DEHISCENT FRUITS (Pericarp splits open along definite seams)

  • Follicle: A single ripened ovary which splits on one side only. It may contain one (as in milkweed) or many seeds in a clusters.
  • Legume: A dry dehiscent pod that splits on two sides. An elongate "bean pod" splitting along two seams; typical fruit of the third largest plant family, the legume family (Leguminosae or Fabaceae).
  • Lomentum: A dry dehiscent fruit, a legume constricted between the seeds.
  • Silique: A slender, dry, dehiscent fruit that superficially resemble a legume, It is long and thin, splits down the two long sides, and has a papery membrane (the septum) between the two halves. 
  • Silicula: A silique which is less than twice as long as broad.
  • Capsule: A Capsule is the most common fruit type found in many different plant families. A Capsule is a dry fruit which splits open to release the seeds. Seed pod splits open is various ways and usually along several definite seams. Capsules typically split open into well-defined sections or carpels which represent modified leaves.

DRY INDEHISCENT FRUITS (Pericarp does not split open. These fruits usually contain only one seed)

  • Achene: A single-seeded dry indehiscent fruit , usually produced in clusters. in which the seed coat is not part of the fruit coat. At maturity the pericarp is dry and free from the internal seed, except at the placental attachment. This is the typical fruit of the largest plant family, the sunflower family (Compositae or Asteraceae).
  • Cypsela: A single-seeded dry indehiscent fruit that develops from a one part inferior ovary (on the stalk side of the flower). They are sometimes included with Achenes.
  • Nut: A large single hardened achene.  Larger, one-seeded fruit with very hard pericarp, usually enclosed in a husk or cup-like involucre.
  • Grain or Caryopsis: A  simple dry indehiscent fruit, like an achene, but with the seedcoat fused with the fruit coat. This is the fruit of members of the Grass Family (Poaceae):
  • Samara: An independent dry indehiscent fruit which has part of the fruit wall extended to form a wing (i.e. not a winged seed inside another type of seed pod).






Holdfast roots  [ Botany  ]

Dictionary of botanic terminology - index of names

  Some species of climbing plants develop holdfast roots which help to support the vines on trees, walls, and rocks. By forcing their way into minute pores and crevices, they hold the plant firmly in place.  
Climbing plants, like the poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), Boston ivy (Parthenocissus tricuspidata), and trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans),  develop holdfast roots which help to support the vines on trees, walls, and rocks. By forcing their way into minute pores and crevices, they hold the plant firmly in place. Usually the Holdfast roots die at the end of the first season, but in some species they are perennial. In the tropics some of the large climbing plants have hold-fast roots by which they attach themselves, and long, cord-like roots that extend downward through the air and may lengthen and branch for several years until they strike the soil and become absorbent roots.

Major references and further lectures:
1) E. N. Transeau “General Botany” Discovery Publishing House, 1994




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