Description: Agave Potatorum
is a dwarf growing species that has very variable features. Some
are medium sized plant that grows eventually up to 40 cm tall and 40 cm
in diameter while others (called Butterfly Agave) are small-sized (20
-30 cm) and highly prized in Japan.
The cultivar Shoji-Raijin (sometime called the ’Silver Star’
or 'Blue rose') is a magnificent miniature rosette of plump leaves
that stay very small and compact. It has been selected in Japan, and is
a unique miniature that produces offsets and forms a small clump of 6-7
cm rosettes. Mature plants stays in 10 cm pots only.
Leaves: Wide, thick, striking dusty-blue with few short spines
and terminate in a distinctive, slightly twisted, reddish spine. The
leaf margins display pronounced swellings at the base of the teeth.
Usually the leaves do not shows noticeable leaf imprinting.
Cultivation: Cultural requirements are similar
to those of other A. potatorum They grow very symmetrically and stay in
small containers, they need well-drained mixes and full sun or light
shade exposures, but do better with some shade in
summer. Water regularly during the growing season allowing to dry
between waterings;
but be careful as
may result in some leaf cracking.
They are not as cold-hardy as many of the more
northerly-occurring species. They're sensitive to frost and may be
damaged if not protected.
Propagation: exclusively by
suckers (if available)