Description: This is
a famous hybrid between Akersia roseiflora and an hybrid
of Echinopsis .
The standard Akersia roseiflora (nowadays regarded as a
synonym of Cleistocactus samaipatanus) is a trailing or
erect slender succulent that grow in group branching from the base. It's
stems are covered with stiff golden spines and grows up to 1,5 m long x
2,5-5 cm in diameter.
The hybrid "OTTO SCHULTZ" is more robust and forms slender columns 5-7
cm in diameter also covered with short golden spines. It branches
readily and each stems lasts for several years, growing increasingly
woody, before it should be removed to encourage young growth. The
flowers are a lovely lilac pink, and are some of the best hybrid cactus
flowers. It blossoms freely in cultivation . The brilliant flowers don't
close at night, and they last about 2-4 days. They come in flushes in
late spring to early summer.
Cultivation: This is an easily
grown cactus, suited to hanging baskets as well as pots. Grow in
well-drained soil in a sunny spot. This plant needs a period of
cool rest in winter to produce flowers abundantly. It flowers freely
indoors if conditions suit it. The plant survives outside without
protection in winter (cold hardy to -8° ) but is then somewhat prone to
rot, too.
Needs moderate water in summer, none in winter.
Watch for infestations of
mealybug, scale insects and spider mite.
It is a vigorous plant, if you grow it in
a container, repot it yearly , and give an
occasional high potassium liquid feed.
Propagation: Easy to propagate from
