
Great cactus
cultivar!!! All people who have seen this plant have been impressed
by the magnificent flowers. |
Description: It has pinky-red petals shading to a bright magenta
border with a phosphorescent violet
throat, Flowers approx. 9.5cm long, 6.5cm. diameter are produced in
early summer and remain open for up to four days, tending to open more
at night and the flowering continues for weeks and weeks (unlike
Echinopsis, which shows off for a day or two).
The plant itself has a nice yellowhis/green spotted
variegation on soft green finger-thick almost
stems, and not terrifically dangerous, either.
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Echinocereus scheerii.
Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name Echinocereus gentryi Clover 1938
Origin: Mexico (Eastern Sonora, Western Chihuahua)
TL: Mexico, Sonora, Caņon Saucito, H.S. Gentry, 1932 (MICH).
Note: Echinocereus cucumis
is usually considered a synonym of this species.
