This cultivar
is the result of more than 20 years of devoted work by cacti enthusiast
and hybridiser Bob Schick .
Stem: Semicolumnar, up to
10cm in diameter.
Flower: Up to 16 cm across scented.
Inner tepals: Obovate, acute, mucronate and lacerate,
beige-pink with white to yellow basal stripe and pink midrib.
Outer tetals: acute, light purplish-pink, with darker midrib.
Filaments: Inner filaments dark amber, outers paler.
Spines: Central spine up to 14 mm long.
This plant is a summer grower species that offers no
cultivation difficulties. Water regularly in summer (but do not
overwater ) needs good drainage and very porous soil, keep rather dry in
winter. Feed with a high potassium fertilizer in summer. Need a bright
exposure, full sun or half shade in summer if the location is
exceedingly hot or bright.
