Plants usually solitary.
(But nowadays the var. combarbaensis is considered nothing
else than a synonym of E. curvispina which is one of the
most variable taxon in appearance. In fact, there are a number of
variety so different looking, but not all the authorities recognize the
different population as segregate varieties.)
Stem: Globular, up to 15 cm.
Spines: Long stiff greyish-brown spines whit darker tip, young
spines are almost black while older one became greyish.
Flowers are about 4 cm in diameter.
Cultivation: It is a summer grower
species. Easy to cultivate but
rot prone if kept in a non
ventilated place.
Require a very fast draining drying soil, water regularly in summer,
but do not overwater.
Needs a
full sun exposure (or
light shade)
Good heat tolerance.
Hardy to at least -5°C
( but probably can tolerate - 10° C for brief periods)
Propagation: Usually
propagated from Seeds.
(seldom produces offsets)
