
Gymnocalycium horridispinum
L517 La Mudana 1200m Cordoba, Argentina
Very strong, wild and long
Radials: 10/13, 4-5 cm long, dark- brown, later grey. No
central spines.

This plant needs full sun to develop
the typical powerful spines |
Description: G. horridispinum
is a (usually) solitary
geophytic strongly spined cactus..
Globular to
solitary. 8 - 10 cm in diameter, up to 15 cm high.
Epidermis: Dark green.grey-green to olive green
Ribs: 12-15
Radial spines: Very strong, 4-5cm long stiff and impressive, Stout 10 up to 12, but usually less in young
Central spines: Usually 1 erected.
Flowers: Very showy, they are some of the largest in this genus 6 up to 7 cm long and wide,
often growing larger than the plant! bright purple-pink
Cultivation: It is a summer-growing
species very easy to grow, these plants offer no cultivation
moderate to copious in
summer (but do not over-water), keep
rather dry in winter.
Frost Tolerance: Hardy
as low as -5° C (or less) if kept dry.
Cultural Practices:
Feed with a high potassium fertilizer in
summer. Needs light shade
Propagation: Seeds (seldom produces offsets)
Photo of of
plants belonging to the Gymnocalycium
Taxon has lots of
synonyms ( like many other
gymnocalycium) whit several controversial
varieties and subspecies and comprises a multitude of different
forms, but where each form is linked to others by populations of plants
with intermediate
Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name: Gymnocalycium monvillei ssp. horridispinum
A.B.Frank ex H. Till,
Published in: KuaS 38(8): 191, 1987
- Gymnocalycium monvillei ssp. horridispinum
Published in: (G. Frank ex H. Till) H. Till, Gymnocalycium 6(3):
102, 1993.
HABITAT: Argentina, prov. Cordoba,
Altitude: 700 - 1200 m.

Flowers pink, showy, 6 cm long and large (may have a clearer white
throat) Pale red fruits.
