
mihanovichii var. filadelfiense FR1181 Filadelfia, Boquerón, Paraguay
This plant’s most unique
characteristic is its colourful body.
Description: Usually
Stem: It only grows to be 4 cm high and
has a 5-6cm diameter
Flowers: Silky shining, greenish/tan.
Photo of
conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars of
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii.

Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name:
- Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. filadelfiense
Backeberg nom. inval. (Art. 8.2),
In: Kakteenlexikon: 170, 1966 =
mihanovichii var. stenogonum
- Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. filadelfiense Pazout
nom. nud.,
In: Friciana 5(29): 10, 1965 =
mihanovichii var. stenogonum
Origin: Chaco Boreal in Paraguay
Habitat: Grows under
bushes where it is only exposed to direct sunlight a few months out of
the year.

Cultivation: It is a summer
grower plant that offers no
cultivation difficulties. Water
regularly in summer (but do not overwater ) keep rather dry in winter.
Feed with a high
potassium fertilizer in summer.
It is quite frost resistant if kept dry (hardy to -5° C)
Sun Exposure: Light shade to half shade.
Propagation: Direct sow after
last frost. (seldom
produces offsets). Colour mutants and variegates cultivars are
propagated by graft.