
Nice yellowish green body and top with fine intricate green pattern.
Flowers are yellow.
In time of
drought the plants shrivel and are almost invisible as they get
covered with fine wind-blown
sand. After
rain, however, they
absorb water and become fat and
turgid. There is a considerable correlation between the colour of
populations and the nature of their
habitats. The more
widespread a
taxa is the more
within that taxa.

C36a (cv. albinica) white blooms
C36b (cv. Storm's
albinigold) yellow flower |
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Lithops lesliei

Family: Mesebrianthemaceae (Aizoaceae)
Origin: (TL)
near Warrenton Northern Cape SA
Yellow flowering form


Above: A green C36B "Storms
albinigold" and a plant from the same batch of seeds
reverted to the original rusty type
Below: Rust and green
seedling around a rusty mother plant.