
This very rare
cultivar has unique "Split spines". This is an exclusive
feature never seen in other cacti.

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Cactaceae Scientific
name: Mammillaria bombycina
First description by Quehl, Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 20: 149 with fig.
Split spines (sometime called cv. Trispina )
Synonyms of M. bombycina:
- Neomammillaria bombycina (Quehl)
Britton and Rose 1923,
- Chilita bombycina (Quehl) Orcutt
- Ebnerella bombycina (Quehl)
Buxbaum 1951
Description: Plants often form large clumps
up to 80 cm
wide. Stems globose to club shaped, bright green, 7 - 14 cm tall, 5 - 6
cm in diameter. With dense wool and bristles in the axil.
Spines: Central: 3 - 8, yellow with dark reddish brown, straight,
and up to 11 mm long. T he lowermost one
is 20 mm long, split and forms
two accessories with lateral forking.
Radials: 30 - 64, stiff, thin, needle-like,
glassy white to yellowish white, up to 8 mm.
Flower: Funnel-form, bright pink,
up to 15 mm in length and in diameter.


It is an easy bloomer and one
of the easier species to grow, they are the most beautiful when
cultivated in the full sun. |
Water regularly in summer, but do not over-water (rot prone). Use a pot
with good drainage and a very porous potting media. Keep dry in winter.
Feed with a high potassium fertilizer in summer. It is quite
frost-resistant if kept dry, hardy as low as -5° C (some reports give it
hardy to -12°C). Outside full sun or afternoon shade, inside it needs
bright light, and some direct sun.
Propagation: Grafting, division of larger clumps.
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Mammillaria bombycina.
