
Oroya peruviana "minima"
This plant is easily distinguishable for the small size
and the profuse production of shoots all around the plant base.
Description: O.
peruviana is a very variable species, with
a (usually) solitary
slow-growing flattened stem, that eventually becomes shortly columnar,
up to 20 cm in diameter, 30 cm tall.
On the contrary the var. minima
offsets strongly in almost on each basal
node of the
stem on top of the ribs, with even small heads covered with numerous
pups reaching only 2-5 cm across. In age forms clump up to
15 cm in diameter with up to 100 heads (or more), and generally the
single heads stay smaller than the type. The
spines are more or less pectinated, and range in colour from pale yellow
to brown. They are relatively long, and widely spaced.
The flowers are small and pink with yellowish centres, in dense clusters
at the plant apexes and open in the summer, sometimes in a ring.. They
are followed by red, hollow berries.

Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name: Oroya peruviana
'minima' (K.Schum.)
Britton & Rose 1922
The var. "minima"
is a name that
has appeared in some lists
of seeds, but is not validly recognized by botanists.
Origin: Tarma, Central Peru 1800-3500 m.
Field numbers:
KK 1698
Tarma, Peru 2200m
KK 1873 Tarma, Peru 1800m (v. caespitose)
KK 1874 Tarma, Peru 2000m
- Oroya peruviana (K.Schum.)
Britton & Rose 1922
- Oroya peruviana v. minima Knize

The flowers are small pink with a yellowish centres, in dense clusters
at the plant apex and open in the summer.
Cultivation: It is a summer grower species
that offers no cultivation difficulties.
Water regularly in summer (but do
not overwater ) keep dry in winter. Feed with a high potassium
fertilizer in summer.
Repot yearly until reaching about 100 mm in
size, then every two or three years will suffice. Repotting is best done
at the end of winter but can be done at other times. Do not water for a
couple of weeks after repotting to reduce risk of root rot via broken
roots. Repotting will increase size of stems. This species needs a minimum
temperature of 5° C. It will form ugly scars if
exposed to too much cold, but it can survive a
minimum temperature of – 7°C. Need a bright
exposure, full sun or half shade in summer.
Propagation: Seed, grafting, cutting.
Photo of conspecific taxa,
varieties, forms and cultivars of
plants belonging to the
Oroya peruviana
has lots of synonyms, with several controversial varieties and subspecies,
and comprises a multitude of different forms, but where each form
is linked to others by populations of plants with intermediate