
T. chiloensis var.eburneus
is a fiercely spiny cactus with impressive and showy ivory spines.
This is the stouter spined
form of T. chiloensis, nowadays this plant is not considered a distinct
variety but only one of the variable
phenotypes of this this
clinal species.
Growth Habits: T.
chiloensis var.eburneus is a fiercely spiny
cactus. It
develops into a
shrub or small
Stem: Rarely
single, usually of several
branches, sometimes of many, arising from near the
base, starting nearly at right angles to the main
trunk but soon erect, up to 8 m tall, stems 10-12.5 cm in diameter ;
10 to 17 low and broad
ribs, separated by narrow intervals, divided into large
tubercles even when fully
Areoles large whitish, 2 cm apart. Spines yellowish with brown tips, at
least when young, greyish later; 1 to 4
porrect, often stout, 5-7 cm (or even 12 cm); 8 to 12
radials, up to 4 cm long.
Nocturnal 14 cm. long, outer
white but tinged with red or brown; inner perianth-segments white,
Sun Exposure:
full sun or
afternoon shade, inside needs bright light, and some direct sun.
Taxonomical notes:
original name for this cactus was Trichocereus
chiloensis. In 1950, Skottsberg pointed that the name was
misspelled, and was changed to "chilensis" for "Chile"+"ensis".
The rules of
nomenclature now, give priority to the original name, misspelling
included, except if the name was changed by the
original author. Thus, Friedrich & Rowley retained chiloensis
when they included the genus Trichocereus into the genus
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Lobivia (Echinopsis) pentlandii .
Of plants belonging to the Lobivia...
has lots of synonyms
(like most Lobivia) whit several controversial varieties and subspecies):

Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name: Trichocereus chiloensis
(Colla) Britton & Rose, The Cactaceae; descriptions and illustrations of
plants of the cactus family 2: 137-139, f. 199-200, 1920
Origin: North-Central Valley of Chile, from
Curico to Puenta Colorado.
- Echinopsis chiloensis (Colla)
Friedrich & Rowley
- Cereus chilensis var. quisco,
- Trichocereus chiloensis var. zizkaanus,
- Cereus quisco,
- Trichocereus chiloensis var. quisco,
- Cereus chiloensis var. funkianus,
- Trichocereus funkii,
- Cereus funkii, Trichocereus chiloensis
var. funkii,
- Cereus chiloensis var. eburneus,
- Eulychnia eburnea,
- Cereus chiloensis,
- Trichocereus chilensis,
- Cactus chiloensis,
- Trichocereus chiloensis var. eburneus,
- Cereus chiloensis var. zizkaanus
- Trichocereus chilensis (Colla) Fric &
Kreuz. 1935
- Trichocereus chilensis var. eburneus
(Phil.) W.T.Marshall 1941

The beautiful fang-like spines grow up from big felty areoles.