
Astrophytum capricorne aureum
Description: Plant with
sharp ribs that differs from the type species for the absence of white
Stem: Globular to short cylindrical with age up to 35-40 cm tall
and 15 cm in diameter. The epidermis is green/bluish sometime tinged in
Spines: Up to 20 per areole characteristically golden yellow when
young, but as they ages become greyish like in the other capricorne.
They similar in shape to those of A. senilis , bristly, flexible, 5 to
7(-10) cm long and pointing in all directions that often form up
spirals, they are so densely nest wrapped that the body is hardly
visible and looks like a dry grass bundle. The lateral ones grows
horizontally sideways at first and then buckle while the others point
+/-upwards. After rain they wet and become very flabby.
Flowers: Diurnal yellow with a red centre (like in the type
Cultivation: Easy to grow.
Use mineral well permeable substratum (rot prone). Water
sparingly from March till October and keep
perfectly dry in winter at temperatures from 5 to 15 degrees
centigrade. (but it is Hardy to -7°C
for short periods) In the rest period no high
atmospheric humidity!!
Sun Exposure: Light shade to full sun.
Propagation: They can be propagated from seed. |
Photo of conspecific
taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Astrophytum capricorne:
Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name:
Astrophytum capricorne v. aureum (MOELLER) OKUMURA
HOOCK, H. 1992 . Kakt. and. Sukk. Band: 43 Heft (3)
Seite 58-63 Das Gold der Sierra Paila:
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2
Sierra de la Paila (between Viesca and Parras de la Fuente) Coahuila,
Habitat: it grows in a very arid area near to the habitat of
A. capricorne senilis ( rain about 200mm/annun and irregular with less
than 10 mm in January). The daily and seasonal temperature fluctuation
is considerable, and in winter it is not infrequent a night frost
followed by a hot temperature the same day.

A young Astrophytum
senile var. aureum (sensu Backeberg)
P 289 alfresco.
and © copyright by Konstantin V. Korotkov.
(Sergiev Posad, Moscow reg., Russia)
- Astrophytum aureum (Backeb.) Halda & Malina 2005a
- Astrophytum aureum HAAGE, W. 1981
- Astrophytum capricorne aurea BOMMELJE, C. 1951
- Astrophytum capricorne aureum BACKEBERG, C.
(OKUMURA) 1961
- Astrophytum capricorne f. aureum DONALD, J.D. (KRAINZ)
- Astrophytum capricorne v. aurea MARSHALL, W.T.;
BOCK, T.M. 1941
- Astrophytum capricorne v. aureum BORG, J. 1951
- Astrophytum capricorne v. aureus GILKEY, J.E. 1944
- Astrophytum capricorne v. luteum NOYES, F.B. 1943
- Astrophytum senile f. flavispina HAAGE, W.; SADOVSKY,
O. 1957
- Astrophytum senile v. aureispinum SADOVSKY, O. 1951
- Astrophytum senile v. aureum BACKEBERG, C. 1937
- Echinocactus capricornis v. aureum MEGATA, M. 1944
- Echinocactus capricornis v. aureus BERGER, A. 1929
- Echinocactus capricornus v. aurea SUHR, R. (zit.:
GASSER, J.) 1925
- Echinocactus capricornus v. aureus MÖLLER, H.
