A crested shoot arising from the base of the common monstrous form.

Cultural Practices: It is of easy culture but
slow growing. Water moderately
during the
summer (to much water and the beautiful fan like crest will
fracture loosing it beauty, so water sparingly
and permit the plant to grow slowly, any attempt to increase the speed
of growth will inexorably lead to disfigure the plant with deep cracks)
Require half
shade and a well drained soil mix.
Propagation: It is propagated by grating or
(rarely) by cuttings, If you remove an offset,
remember to let it dry for a week or so, letting the wound heal
(cuttings planted to soon easily rot before they can grow roots).
Rooting usually occurs within 3-5 weeks but with an
unpredictable and usually low percentage of success.. |