Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name:
Stenocactus crispatus
(A. P. de Candolle) A. Berger ex A. W. Hill 1933,
This is one of the
species with the prettiest
spination: Spine are flattened, ferocious-looking with one very
long (3 -10cm )
central spine directed upwards. The
ribs are thin with very
undulated or curled
ridges. The crested form is particularly beautiful. Cultivation: Easy to
to care and flower. It needs regular cacti soil with good drainage.
Propagation: Seeds (usually) Exposure: It likes
strong sunshine but is tolerant and do well with light
shade during the hot Summer months, allow to dry between watering.
It should not be watered at all in winter.
Frost Tolerance: does not tolerate intense or
prolonged cold (hardy to -5°C if kept dry)
