
Gymnocalicium bruchii
This is one of the most cold-tolerant South
American species.
It can grow outdoors, and is hardy to -15° C or less.
Description: miniature clumping succulent, it
clusters when
Stems: Flattened, blue-green, thick growing up to 4 cm in
diameter, 6 cm long.
Spines: White bristly, straight or curved
Flowers: Bell to funnel-shaped, 6 cm wide,
with an
unusual shade of lavender-white in early spring, followed by green
This slow-growing plant will eventually form clusters up to 15
cm across.
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- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. albispinum
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. brigittae
Piltz, Succulenta 66 (10): 213-216, 1987
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. centrispina
Katalogname.. in Schneekloth-List
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. denudatum
Dodie (Cactus by Dodie, US-CA) PL 1992?
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. deviatum
Uwe Becker in Kakteen/Sukkulenten DDR
:22, 1986
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. enorme
(Oehme) in Backeberg Kakteenlexikon
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. evolvens
(Oehme) Uwe Becker
in Kakteen/Sukkulenten DDR :22, 1986
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. glaucum
Gymnocalycium 16(2): 499-510, 2003
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. hossei
Backeberg nom. inval. (Art. 37.1),
Die Cactaceae 3: 1699-1700, 1959
- Gymnocalycium bruchii ssp. lafaldense
(Vaupel) Neuhuber,
Gymnocalycium 16(2): 499-510, 2003
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. lafaldense
Vaupel, Z. f. Sukkulentenkunde :192, 1924
- Gymnocalycium bruchii ssp. lafaldense
(Vaupel) Neuhuber 2003
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. niveum
Succulenta 68 (9): 179-180 + title plate, 1989
- Gymnocalycium bruchii subspec. pawlovskyi
Gymnocalycium 16(2): 499-510, 2003
- Gymnocalycium bruchii var. spinossimum
(Haage.) Y. Ito
in Graessner: Hauptverzeichnis ueber Kakteen: 21952
- Gymnocalycium bruchii subspec. susannae
Gymnocalycium 16(2): 499-510, 2003
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties,
forms an cultivars:
Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name:
Gymnocalycium bruchii (Spegazzini
1923) Hosseus,
Published in: Revista del Centro
Estudianteo de Farmacia Cordoba 2(6): 16+22, 1926
Origin: Argentina. Endemic to the Córdoba and San Luis
Inhabits a wide range of environments and altitudes.
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
Common Names include:
- Frailea bruchii
- Gymnocalycium lafaldense


Photo and ©
copyright by
Mladen Turcinovic (Croatia)
Cultivation: Gymnocalycium bruchii is one of the most cold-tolerant South American species.
It can grow outdoors and is hardy to
-15° C or less. Prefer a
low pH
compost; otherwise
growth will stop altogether. The plant tolerates
extremely bright situations but enjoys some shade during
the hottest part of the day in summer. Water regularly in summer, keep
rather dry in winter
Propagation: Seeds, offsets
