The flowers are yellow and monstrous looking with
short curled petals and an orangish floral tube.

The areoles are arranged irregularly and
often are
fused to form peculiar
horizontal lines
contrasting with the stem.
It is a summer grower species that offers no
cultivation difficulties. Water regularly in summer (but do not
over water it) It is rot prone and should be planted
in a shallow pot. As most Echinopsis cultivated for their blossom, it
needs a soil mixture a little richer than the average cactus with still
an excellent drainage, keep rather dry in winter.
It is quite frost resistant if kept dry (hardy to -5° C
Outside full sun or afternoon shade, inside
needs bright light, and some direct sun.
Propagation: Grafting or cutting.
Photo of
taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Lobivia aurea (Echinopsis
aurea). (This taxon has lots of
synonyms (like most Lobivia) whit several controversial varieties and