
Small slow growing species with short white spines and
creamy pink flowers and red fruit ,
similar to M. lasiacantha |
Description: Plants usually solitary with asucculent tap root.
Stems without
latex globose to club shaped, green, to 6 cm tall and 4.5 cm in
Tubercule arrangement: 13 - 21.
Spines: Radials 70 - 75, interlacing, chalky white with
orange-tan base, 2 - 5 mm long. Central usually absent, sometimes one,
straight, curved or hooked, orange-tan with brown tips, to 3 mm long.
Flower: Cream coloured with pink to brownish
midstrips, to 10 mm long and in diameter.
Fruit:: Red and very showy.
Cultivation: This is
very slow growing species that requires the brightest light possible.
Water sparingly, needs good drainage as roots are easily lost in pots
that stay damp for any length of time. |
Cultivation: This plant
has not the fame to be easy to cultivate, but in good conditions
with excellent
it grows without difficulty.
It is especially sensitive to overwatering.
So careful watering and an open
potting soil are a must.
the use of
peat or other
humus sources in the
potting mixture.
Don't add
to the potting mix which must be moderately acidic.
Can be sensitive to frost (but if dry they are resistant to
-5° C). Requires
sun exposure
to reach its full potential
and to
achieve success in
A winter rest that allows the plant to shrivel (perhaps losing up to
25% of its summer height) will encourage flowering and long time
survival. Be careful to encourage slow growth.
Provide very good
ventilation. Propagation: Direct sow
after last frost. (it usually doesn't produces offsets).
Photo of
conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars of the
Lasiacanthae group. (This
taxon has lots of synonyms whit several controversial varieties
and subspecies)
Cactaceae (Cactus
Family) Scientific name: Mammillaria magallanii Schmoll ex
Craig, Mamm. 1945
Published in: Mammillaria Handbook 225
Origin: Mexico (Coahuila, Durango) Altitude 1.110 to 1.900 m.
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2. |
- Mammillaria lasiacantha subsp. magallanii
in: Hunt, Mamm. Postscripts 6: 7 (1997)
- Mammillaria lengdobleriana
- Mammillaria neobertrandiana
- Mammillaria roseocentra
