
Matucana haynei var. perplexa KK1459 Recuay 3800m
Spines cover almost completely the plants body and protect efficiently
the developing buds.
Cultivation: Matucana grow slowly in their
natural habitats, but in greenhouses they grow quickly. They need
a minimum temperature of 5° C, but may to survive a light frost. Direct
sun is beneficial in order to get a good spine coloration.
Grow in rich, porous soil and let the soil dry out between waterings.
It needs good drainage and a deep pot to accommodate its tap root
Repot in the spring when the roots become cramped. Generally, these
plants should be re-potted every other year, in order to provide fresh
soil. However, this doesn't necessarily mean they'll need larger
containers. After repotting, do not water for a week or more.
Propagation: Seeds |

(Cactus Family)
Scientific name: Matucana haynei var. perplexa
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES Appendix II
Origin: Peru

The flowers are bright red and
suggesting that this plant is is
pollinated by birds. |

Photo of conspecific taxa,
varieties, forms and cultivars of
plants belonging to the
Matucana haynei
has lots of synonyms (
like many other cacti) whit
several controversial varieties and subspecies and comprises a
multitude of different forms, but where each form is linked to others by
populations of plants with intermediate characteristics):