
Micropuntia (Grusonia)
Attractive mini
Opuntia, forming low sub-erected shrubs more or less dense and
large, spread cushions
a large tuber
below ground.
Stem segments: Cylindric to
clavate, 1-4(-10) × 0.5-1.2(-2.5) cm; tubercles
tinged rather prominent,
5-9 mm;
Spines: 8-15 per areole, mostly in
distal areoles
at the tip of the stem,
divergent to
deflexed, red-brown or white, aging grey, somewhat
with woolly areoles white
to grey.
Flowers: rose to purple; 15-35 mm; filaments green to yellow;
style purplish; stigma lobes white to yellowish. Flowering late spring
Fruits: Reddish
obtoconic to ellipsoids, 15-30 × 8-12 mm smooth and juicy in a first
time, becoming quickly dry. |
Cultivation: This plant is not easy
to grow, Rooting of the cuttings is generally difficult. Good resistance
to cold (-10°C) but it can't stand humidity.
Plants are
susceptible to overwatering and extremely rot-prone; they have sensitive
roots. Keep the plants away from places with elevated humidity
in the air.
It needs to grow in a
very ventilated and dry environment, in full sun.
These plants need to be kept
in a cool (and dry)
place during winter rest (at -5 / 10°C).
This is important for the
flowers as well as for their health. Without this cool winter period
they normally wont get many buds.
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Micropuntia pulchella .

Scientific Name: Micropuntia barkleyana
Published in:
Amer. Midl.
Nat. 36 (3): 661(1946)
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
Common Names: Sand
cholla, Dwarf Cholla, Sand club-cholla,
beautifull cholla
range of Micropuntia pulchella:
Northern Mojave Desert from eastern California (Deep Springs
Valley) to southern Utah and
Nevada (Churchill,
Douglas, Esmeralda, Lander, Lincoln, Mineral, Nye, Pershing, and Washoe
counties) and Arizona. Elevation : 1100-1900
Habitat : "Sand Mountain,
dunes, dry-lake borders, river bottoms,
washes, valleys, sandy to rocky flats or slopes, and plains in the
Mainly on sandy
soils but also found in a
variable range of soil types
Synonyms (of Micropuntia pulchella):
- Grusonia pulchella (Engelmann)
Robinson, Published in: Phytologia 26 (3): 176
- Opuntia pulchella Engelmann,
Published in: Trans. St. Louis Acad. 2: 201(1863)
- Corynopuntia pulchella
(Engelmann) Knuth in Backeberg & Knuth,
Published in: Kaktus-ABC 115 (1935)
- Micropuntia pulchella (Engelmann)
M.P. Griffith,
Published in: Haseltonia 9:91 (2002)
- Micropuntia barkleyana Daston,
Published in:Amer. Midl. Nat. 36 (3): 661(1946)
- Opuntia barkleyana (Daston)
Published in: Nat. Cact. & Succ. Journ.13 (1): 5
- Micropuntia brachyrhophalica
Daston, Published in: Amer. Midl. Nat. 36 (3):661
- Opuntia brachyrhopalica (Daston)
Rowley, Published in: Nat. Cact. & Succ. Journ. 13
(1): 5 (1958)
- Micropuntia spectatissima Daston,
Published in: Amer. Midl. Nat. 36 (3):661 (1946)
- Opuntia spectatissima (Daston)
Rowley, Published in: Nat. Cact. & Succ.Journ. 13
(1): 5 (1958)
- Micropuntia gracilicylindrica
Wiegand & Backeberg,
Published in: Descr. Cact.Nov. [1]: 9 (1956)
- Opuntia gracilicylindrica (Wiegand
& Backeberg) Rowley,
Published: Nat.Cact. & Succ. Journ. 13 (1): 5 (1958)
- Micropuntia pygmaea Wiegand &
Published in: Descr. Cact. Nov.[1]: 9 (1956)
- Opuntia pygmaea (Wiegand &
Backeberg) Rowley,
Published in: Nat. Cact. & Succ. Journ. 13 (1): 5
- Micropuntia tuberculosirhophalica
Wiegand & Backeberg, Published in: Descr.Cact. Nov.
[1]: 9 (1956)
- Opuntia tuberculosirhophalica (Wiegand
& Backeberg) Rowley, Published in: Nat.Cact. & Succ.
Journ. 13 (1): 5 (1958)
- Micropuntia wiegandii Backeberg,
Published in: Descr. Cact. Nov. [1]: 9 (1956)
- Micropuntia gigantea Wiegand &
Published in: Descr. Cact. Nov.[1]: 9 (1956) pro syn.
- Opuntia wiegandii (Backeberg)
Published in: Nat. Cact. & Succ.Journ. 13 (1): 5