
Pediocactus peeblesianus var. fickeisenii
SB468 Fredonia, AZ.
(Navajoa peeblesiana ssp. fickeisenii)
The plants are globose solitary or clustered
Stem: 6-7 cm
tall, 5-6 cm in diameter.
Corky/spongy, not obscuring the stem; a central spine 0.5-2,5
cm long, mostly 0,5 mm wide at the base, white
to pale grey, ascending; radial spines 3 to 7, 0,2-1 cm long, white to
pale grey, recurving.
up to 2.5 cm in diameter, cream, yellow or
yellowish-green; outer petals pink or green with a darker mid-strip;
stamens yellow; stigma yellow.
Flowering time:
Open during the day,
blooms in spring.

Cultivation: Very rot prone and difficult to grow from it's
own roots in cultivation; best and very easy if grafted on a short hardy Opuntia stock. It needs regular water in late winter, early spring, and
also in the fall, when flower buds are produced and it starts growing.
The flower buds stay dormant on the plant
apex all winter. They will then open in spring when the temperatures
rise. To avoid any damage to the buds, don’t let the
grafted plants completely dry, that stay in the heated green house.
Some light watering
in winter is useful for
keeping the flower hydrated and healthy.
frost hardy, above approx -12C (down to - 20 if kept completely dry in a
ventilated place).
The plants grafted on Opuntia are
for outdoor cultivation in raised beds, rock gardens, balconies, window
sills etc…

Photo of conspecific
taxa, varieties, forms and
cultivars of Pediocactus peeblesianus:
Cactaceae (Cactus
Family) |
Origin: Grand Canyon Area, Arizona, USA
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 1.
Common Name: Fickeisen Plains Cactus
Toumeya fickeisenii W.H. Earle 1963
Pediocactus fickeisenii W.B Benson 1962
Navajoa fickeisenii Backeberg 1960
Navajoa peeblesiana ssp. fickeisenii
Utahia peeblesiana fickeiseniae
Echinocactus peeblesianus (Croizat) L. Benson
The rounded buds just before opening in April |

