
Rebutia krainziana var. albiflora
It is like the species, but with white flowers, and very thin,
very short,
snow-white spines set against the dark green body. Very nice!!
Description: Clumping globular cactus, up to 7 cm in diameter up to
10 cm tall. It can grow in clumps 10-15 cm wide. The especially notable
characteristics of this cactus are its dark stem colour, emphasized by
the small, white areoles, and its large, intensely red, yellow-throated
flowers reminding one of red daisies.
Stem: Up to 5 cm Globose, dark green, that begins to offset in
about its third or fourth year, eventually to make a moderately tight
clump with the individual stems standing out a little on their own.
Tubercles: In two downward spirals, in ratio 8:13.
Spines: Small, snow-white, very thin, very short, and soft, but
can still poke.
Flowers: A larger crop of pure white flowers, 3.5 cm wide, develops
from the base of each head, resulting in a superb display
at mid season.
Blooming season: It is usually one of the earliest rebutias to
bloom in spring.
Cactaceae (Cactus
Scientific name: Rebutia
krainziana, Kesselring 1948
var. albiflora
Unknown, probably
horticultural, but its ancestor is most likely from
the Jujuy Province of
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
Common Names include:
Krainz' Crown Cactus, Gay
- Rebutia
marsoneri 'krainziana'
Rebutia marsoneri Werdermann 1937
Rebutia wessneriana var. krainziana (Kesselr.)
Buining & Donald
- Rebutia
calliantha var. krainziana
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES Appendix II

Cultivation: Full sun to
light shade. Water regularly in summer, but do not over-water. Keep
dry in winter. Hardy to -4°C.
It is better that they be repotted regularly. Repotting will increase
the number and size of stems, and will increase the number of flowers
produced. Repot yearly until they reach about 100 mm in size, then
every two or three years will suffice. Repotting is best done at the
end of winter, but it can be done at other times, too. Do not water for
a couple of weeks after repotting, to reduce the risk of root rot via
broken roots.
Propagation: Offsets, seeds
Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars of
Rebutia krainziana.
