
Rebutia muscula (R.
fiebrigii) FR753 Narvaez, Tarija, Bolivia
is an outstanding snow-white Bolivian species that clusters
with age and produces intense orange flowers that will brighten any

and © copyright by
B. (Bologna, Italy) |
Description: Rebutia muscula is a
clumping cactus that form low cushion covered by dense furry white
Stem: 3 cm wide, 4 cm tall. The stems of this cactus grow usually
taller than they are broad. It would appear that
in cultivation they grow larger and cluster more vigorously than in
Spines: White, fine and soft that cover the plant body.
Flower: Deep orange, funnel-shaped 2 cm in diameter from the base
of the stems.
Blooming Season: Flowers profusely throughout spring into summer
with spurts of flowering into autumn.
Fruit: Tiny, berrylike hided among the spines, bursting when
Note: Nowadays under the name of R.
fiebrigii the botanists include several different forms that was
previously regarded as independent species, among them:
"Flame Crown", Rebutia fiebrigii,
It’s a Bolivian mountain cactus, found at 3600m altitude, and
therefore very hardy. It forms a cylinder about 6cm diameter and 10cm
tall with few offsets and it produces striking, flame-red flowers over
a long season.
"White-haired Crown", Rebutia
albipilosa It is a plant from northern Argentina. It s a white
furrowed cactus with long bristles a large main body with several
offsets that blooms sparely but regularly.
"Donald’s Red Crown", Rebutia donaldiana,
It develops a dense clump of small, dark heads with brown spines
which make a perfect backdrop for the small, dark orange-red, numerous
flowers. It quickly begins to form a large, tight mound and it then
proceeds to hide it all under a dense blanket of its flowers.
"Little Mouse", Rebutia muscula It
comes from south Bolivia; it is distinguished by its soft white
spination and orange flowers and it blooms heavily in May, continuing
until September/October with always at least a few flowers. It is
especially desirable for the small size of its main body, with the
offsets held closely, usually in a pattern reminiscent of a classical
Photo of conspecific taxa,
varieties, forms and cultivars of plants belonging to
the Rebutia fiebrigii
Taxon has lots of
synonyms (like most rebutias) whit several controversial varieties and
Cactaceae (Cactus
Rebutia muscula Ritt.et Thiele, 1963
Scientific name:
Rebutia fiebrigii
(Gurke) Br.& R. ex. Bailey
in L.H.Bailey & L.H.Bailey Stand. Cycl. Hort. 1916
Origin: Bolivia
Conservation status: Listed in
CITES appendix 2.
Vernacular Names:
- Flame Crown (fiebrigii)
- White-haired Crown (albipilosa)
- Donald's Red Crown (donaldiana)
- Little Mouse Orange Snowball (muscula)
- Echinocactus fiebrigii Gurke 1905
- Aylostera fiebrigii Bckbg. 1935
- Rebutia albipilosa Ritt. 1963
- Aylostera albipilosa (Ritt.) Bckbg. 1963
- Rebutia muscula Ritt. & Thiele 1963
- Aylostera muscula (Ritt. & Thiele) Bckbg. 1963
- Rebutia donaldiana Lau & Rowley 1974
- Rebutia nicolaii
- Cylindrorebutia nicolai
- Rebutia permutata
- Rebutia wessneriana var. permutata
- Mediolobivia ithycantha
- Rebutia ithycantha
- Rebutia vallegrandensis
- Rebutia pulchella
- Rebutia jujuyana
- Rebutia donaldiana
- Rebutia cajasensis
- Rebutia kieslingii
- Rebutia tamboensis
- Rebutia cintiensis

Photo and ©
copyright by
Mladen Turcinovic (Hungary)
Cultivation: This species is easy to cultivate in a very open
mineral mix, (lots of pumice). Requires full sun or Light shade and
careful watering to keep plant compact and maintain strong and dense
spines. Keep dry in winter Hardy to -4°C.Give them airy spot and
ensure good drainage with soil at least 50% sand or pumice grit.
It is better that they are repotted regularly. Repotting will increase
the number and size of stems and will increase the number of flowers
produced. Repot yearly until reaching about 100 mm in size, then every
two or three years will suffice. Repotting is best done at the end of
winter but can be done at other times. Do not water for a couple of
weeks after repotting to reduce risk of root rot via broken roots.Keep
dry in winter. Hardy to -4°C for a short period. All, especially
the young, are susceptible to red spider mites.
Propagation: Offsets, seeds
