"FUKURYU" is a Japanese word that means presence of
additional ribs (coasts). This plant will develop protuberances (like
beginnings of ribs) or small extra ribs (more or less prominent ).
Usually these additional ribs will not reach the plant apex.
They don't havet areoles, and
they develop on the lateral side, sandwiched between two
contiguous true ribs.
Cultivation: It is not too difficult in a
greenhouse, although it grows quite slowly. The plants need a
loose well-drained
mineral soil. They need a good amount of
light. Watering can be done weekly during
summertime, if the weather is sunny enough, with a little
fertilizer added. Kept this way, plants will show a
healthy, although slow
growth. They are
frost hardy to -4° (-10° if very dry) C.
Eventually, as they become mature, they attain a maximum size of 8-10 cm
(20) cm. However, old plants become
senile and have a tendency to succumb to
disease and a weak
root system. At this
stage, as is well known, they
die suddenly. So, after they reach 10 cm in diameter grow them
slowly, and adopt a new repotting period, using intervals of every 2 - 3
years. In addition, grow them under drier conditions or stronger
sunlight. |