Freeze Damage in
Many people when say that their plants are "frozen" seeing the
frozen soil they equate this with the plant being frozen but
this is not correct. (See: Photo 1)
In fact if a plant freezes it
dies. The
formation of ice within the
cells of a
plant is invariably fatal.
Photo 1 (Left):
Escobaria sneedii v leeii
pot substrate is a solid
block of ice, but no damage
occurs, in fact this plant is
winter hardy
up to - 25°
(Photo by Pál Vajda, Hungary Nagykőrös)
stage of freezing: There are basically four stages of freezing that can be
observed with, and have significance to, a plants
species in
many temperate zones:
- The freezing of air
humidity on the
plants exposed
surfaces (See:
- The freezing of the
water in the
- The freezing of "inter"-cellular
water in the plant's
- The freezing of "intra"-cellular
water in the plant's
1) Freezing of the air
humidity on exposed
surfaces of
plants (around 0°C)
The freezing of the water in the
air -
Hoar frost - occurs at the highest temperature of
the four, refers to the ice
crystals generally assuming
the forms of scales, needles, feathers or fans
deposited on
plants or exposed objects,
that form when the air is
moist (saturated)
and touches a very cold
surface and
freezes on it instantly.
Hoar frost is often seen on cold, clear
autumn nights. Hoar
frost can occur at relatively higher
temperatures –
usually when the air temperature is around 0°
C. However, the
ground or exposed surfaces
are usually much colder.
2) Freezing of Water in the Soil ( 0 to -5°C)
Water in nature rarely freezes at its physical constant of 0° C
as there is always solutes
dissolved in the
soil water that
lowers the freezing point. Frequently a “frozen”
ground presents
crystals only on the
soil surface but in this case is not
the soil itself that is frozen (it is
muddy underneath).
When freeze penetrate deeply in the soil this puts serious and
damaging pressure on the roots due to the
expansion from the
ice. However, plant cells have rigid
cell walls and are capable
of withstanding several atmospheres of
pressure on a regular
basis due to their own normal internal
turgor pressure. In fact
most plants have been shown to survive
hydrostatic pressures of
over 1000 atmospheres. As the temperature gets lower the plant
is in danger of freezing itself , but plants have several
mechanisms by which they avoid freezing. One mechanism is the
storage of
solutes (minerals,
etc.) within the cell protoplasm. The presence of
solutes lowers
the freezing point of water and keeps the plant from freezing if
the temperature falls below 0°
C. In some cases this
mechanism provides great protection.
3) Freezing of "inter"-cellular Water ( Approx -5° to -10° C)
Another mechanism that plants use is the
expulsion of water from
the cell protoplasm. into the intercellular spaces. Changes in
cell membrane
permeability allow water to leave the cell and
enter the spaces between the cells and the water then freezes
there instead of within the cell.
In some plant when the temperature falls low enough this
phenomenon can be seen, the plant
tissues seem like they are
"frozen" as they are stiff, icy, almost transparent and will crack when bent. This is an
appearance and the plant itself (living tissue) has not frozen.
This mechanism allows the "intra"-cellular water to avoid being
4) Freezing of "intra"-cellular Water ( Indicatively -20° to
-60° C )
The fourth freezing stage is when the intra-cellular water
freezes forming "sharp" ice crystals. This causes the
death of
the cells that do freeze and is shown through the loss of
branches or of the plant itself .
One freezing
avoidance mechanism that is not clearly understood is what is
called "supercooling". By some means, the cellular "sap" remains
liquid at temperatures well below the known
freezing point for
that "sap". There is some physical relationship to the diameter
of the vessels that this "sap" is in, since in larger vessels
the "sap" does freeze at higher temperatures.
Hardiness values
The hardiness value (Frost
resistance) for various species only apply to the
ground tissues. The root systems of plants do not undergo the
same degree of hardening by any stretch of the imagination. The
temperatures at which roots are killed show wide variability
from species to species. In nature, plants roots are below
ground and are not subjected to anywhere near the widely varying
and deeply cold temperatures that the above ground
shoots are.
When a plant is removed from the ground and placed in a
pot its
roots can now see temperatures they never saw in nature. This is
the very reason why winter protection of
container cultivated
plant is necessary. Nothing in particular needs to be done to
help the above ground parts make it through the winter; it is
the below ground parts that need the help. Freezing of the soil
in a plant pot is not necessarily a threat to the plant unless
it is accompanied by prolonged periods where the shoots are at
higher temperatures.
Methods of Protection
Such protection is typically accomplished by keeping the plant
in a temperature controlled greenhouse, by keeping the plant in
a coldframe, by placing the plant back in the ground, or by
mulching around the pot (in order of decreasing effectiveness).
All these actions can help prevent the
root systems from
reaching their "killing temperatures" and prevent root damage or
Temperate species will enter a period of
dormancy in
which is triggered by shortening days and/or falling
temperatures. Exposure to short days, low temperatures and (very
importantly) frost induces the plant to begin "cold hardening"
to sustain it from the coming winter temperatures. The above
ground parts (shoots, leaves, buds) of many plants from most
temperate plants (after "cold hardening") can withstand very low
The freezing resistance of most plants changes with the
in step with changes in environmental temperature. In
when temperatures are normally high many plants are more
susceptible to a fall in temperature than they are in
winter when it is colder. This process, is known as
acclimatization. |